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- Body Care Exclusives Admin
Your sunscreen lotion isn’t doing much to save you from the damage? Don’t worry grab some yogurt and apply it on the affected area, let it stay for half an hour and then rinse it off with water. Rich in lactic acid, yogurt is an excellent anti-tanning agent.You can also use a mixture of egg and honey to clear skin tanning. Apply the mixture on the affected area, leave it for twenty minutes and then wash it off with water.
2. Dull skin
These easy and natural home remedies should help you regain the missing glow from your skin. You can mix rose water and glycerin with lemon juice and apply it daily for about 20 minutes before taking a shower. Rich in vitamin C and citric acid, lemons are helpful in brightening and lightening your skin. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production.Another remedy you can opt for is a face mask made with honey and milk. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash off.
3. Dark underarms
Rub a lemon under the arms for 15 minutes prior to your bath. For best results, apply it at least twice a day. Lemon has antibacterial as well as antiseptic properties, hence it acts as a natural bleaching agent. Apart from lightening the skin, lemon also helps in exfoliating the dead cells. You can even use Turmeric. Mix turmeric with lemon juice to make a paste. Apply it for about 15 minutes and rinse with water.
4. Dark elbows and knees
Isn’t it annoying when the rest of your skin is glowing while your elbows and knees display a different shade altogether? All you need is some lime juice to even out the darkened elbows and bring back your natural skin tone. Cut some fresh lime wedges and simply rub them over your elbows and knees. Leave it for 20 minutes. Take a towel soaked in hot water and scrub it out.
5. Wrinkles around the eyes.
Fight the signs of aging with this simple home remedy. Mix about 3 tablespoons of honey with 3 tablespoons of raw milk and heat the mixture slightly. Apply the warm mixture around the eyes where and leave it on for about 25 to 30 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this at least thrice a week for best results.
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